From the audience research, I would like to
  • Investigate what the general public consumes typically, in terms of digital media
  • Find opinions on different types of digital media from a range of age groups
  • Find out which platforms and services are typically used to consume media, and if there's any correlation between services used by whichever age groups use them
The questions I plan on asking are as follows;
  1. Which do you prefer; music videos or short films?
  2. What was the last music video you watched?
  3. What was the last short film you watched?
  4. How often do you consume either piece of media?
  5. Do you ever consume either piece of media as a part of a group?
  6. Which platforms do you use to consume music videos?
  7. Which platforms do you use to consume short films?
  8. Are you aware of the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth?
  9. (IF 8 = YES) Do you like this song?
  10. (IF 8 = YES) Where did you find out about this song?
There will be a flow of questions, all depending on the answer to question 1. If the person says "music video", I'll carry on asking questions 2, 4, 5 and 6, only asking about music videos. I'll also ask questions 8, 9 and 10, which are especially music video specific. If the answer to question 1 is "short films", I'll ask questions 3, 4, 5 and 7, only asking about short films. I won't have as many questions about short films as I will for music videos, since I really need to focus more on music video related questions due to my final work being one.


<audience research videos>


From what we found from the 7 people we interviewed, was a general trend in the town.
  • More people watch short films than music videos
  • People don't remember the names of any short films they've watched
  • Online services like YouTube and Netflix are more commonly used for short film consumption than television or physical formats, like DVDs
  • People who DO watch music videos typically watch a mix of new and old ones, ranging from the 80s to the present day
  • All Star is not as well known in the town as expected
Almost all of the outcomes were unexpected, with the consumption services being the only guesses of mine ending up being correct. However, this is most likely due to the age range in town being between early 30s and late 60s. They aren't exactly my target audience, which is probably a good thing. The style I'm going for with my music video doesn't fit within the answers they provided, whereas asking people in school later on did prove that the ideas I have are for them. There turned out to be no correlation between services used to consume media and the age of those using it; the oldest people that we interviewed said that they used online services, like YouTube and Netflix. I'll admit that I didn't expect it, although that could be the general cultural opinion creeping in when it comes to older people and the internet.


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